The culture of the organization is the characteristic and observable personality that has originated from each organization. Businesses such as Apple, Google or General Electric names reflect the taste of their workplaces, their personality, the unwritten contact protocol, and the principles of the company. Although some may think of corporate culture as a product of the individuals and processes of the organization, something that cannot be managed or quantified, the fact is that corporate culture is unexpectedly observable. It can be built and leveraged purposefully. It affects productivity and the commitment of employees. It controls revenue rates and influences the efficiency of companies and affects profitability. Corporate culture differentiates the businesses that are highly competitive from all the others. It can be a strategic, strong advantage. The culture of organizations is often different, but consistently, the major winners are the organizations that make culture a priority. This paper discussed some of the general culture definitions, various theories underpinning the concept and the outcomes of various studies. Also, it looked at how the culture of the firms in consumer goods sector in Nigeria influences their innovation strategies. The paper also explained the impact of trends and innovations on the performance of the organisation and the relationship between the organization structure and culture. Area for further research was also recommended.
Keywords: Corporate culture, Organisational performance, Food and beverages, Nigeria
CITATION: Akinlabi, B. H., Asikiah, O. U., & Ajala, P. O. (2021). Corporate culture and organisational performance of consumer goods companies in Nigeria: an exploratory approach. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 232 – 252.
Full Text:
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