The aim of this research was to examine the organizational restructuring strategies and performance of the Aga-Khan Hospital Mombasa. The study was anchored on the following theories: The Lewin’s Change Management theory, Kotter’s change Management theory and ADKAR model. Descriptive study approach was used. Target population for the study was 78 management staff from the hospital. To ensure efficiency, validity and reliability of the data collection instrument was tested. Reliability was measured using Cronbach Alpha. A pilot study was conducted in the Aga-Khan hospital so as to ensure reliability of the research instruments. Data was collected using primary source with the aid of Likert scale questionnaire, which were grouped in relation to its themes of studying organizational restructuring strategies and hospital performance. Collected data for analysis was supplemented by the multiple regression analysis model using the “Statistical Package for Social Sciences.” Simple random sampling technique was employed for the study. Findings showed that IT, downsizing and downscoping, were positively correlated with performance of the hospital. Turnaround strategy on the other hand was found to be negatively correlated with the performance of the hospital. The study found out the hospital faced challenges of the employees resisting change in how they do things, which caused about the negative effect of the turnaround strategy. The study recommended that the management of the hospital should motivate its employees with incentives, so that they can work harder and improve on the performance. It was also recommended that the hospital should train its employees so as to increase their skills when working. A further recommendation was given that further studies should be conducted by other researchers and scholars, to come up with other study variables that would help the hospital to improve on its performance.
Key Words: Downsizing Restructuring, Information Technology, Down Scoping, Turnaround Restructuring
CITATION: Magak, K. M., & Kimencu, L. (2021). Organizational restructuring strategies and performance of the Aga-Khan Hospital Mombasa. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 288 – 305.
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