Organizations aspire to achieve their goals in dynamic and competitive environments. In order for them to do this, they rely on the key people charged with steering them towards corporate success through the strategic decisions that they make. Empirical studies refer to these decision makers as Top Management Teams (TMTs). TMT characteristics have been linked to strategic decisions like diversification and acquisitions that have changed the direction of their firms. However, research differs as to whether TMT diversity affects strategic decisions and hence organizational performance. This has called for further research on TMTs and especially on their performance as influenced by other factors like their structures. Structures provide the necessary systems and processes required for effective strategy implementation. TMTs are structured differently such that in some, members operate autonomously while in others there is high interdependence. When there is high interdependence and diversity, team processes may be affected and consequently firm performance. Despite interdependence receiving scholarly attention, focus in earlier studies was on work groups and not TMTs. Additionally, it was not objectively operationalized. These gaps together with the inconsistent findings on how interdependence relates to performance require attention in upper echelon studies. This study paper provided insights on TMT by answering the question on how it may impact on performance and hence advance theory in TMT studies. Research from this study paper would have implications on policy and practice for managers charged with selection and structuring of TMTs in organizations as it would give an understanding on how TMTs should be structured or designed for effectiveness and better firm performance.
Key Words: Top Management Team Diversity, Organizational Performance
CITATION: Nyaberi, J. P. L. (2021). Top management team diversity and organizational performance: A critical review of literature. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 1102 – 1108.
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