Organizations are undertaking change management practices in order to align their business strategies to match the activities of the environment for performance to be realized. This is because the present day operating environments has become quite unpredictable due to the many changes happening in the technological, cultural, political, social and competitive levels. Researchers have attempted to learn the reasons as to why some organizations in the same environment perform well while others fail. Change management practices require tools, processes, skills and principles to be effective. For an organization to sustain the momentum on normal day to-day pressures to meet customer demands, it is necessary to develop a change management plan, implement change management practices and adapt the implemented change management practices. It is necessary to align with strategy content which explains how organizations actually behave which is conceptualized first, as the broad way in which an organization seeks to maintain or improve its performance and the specific steps that an organization takes to boost its performance relative to market competition. This paper is supported by two theories, namely, Stakeholder theory which argues that change management practices influences other parties involved, including employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, communities and governmental bodies, among other stakeholders in any organizations and the resource-based view which explains organisational performance as a function of its continued ability to acquire resources from its external environment. Performance is the integration of three broad dimensions of efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability in the delivery of organizational results. It assures that an organization contributes to its mission and remains responsive to the needs of its stakeholders. The paper concludes that performance is a reflection of change management practices so as to be successful and to outdo competition. Based on the different researchers’ views, the debate around the influence of change management practices, which is also conceptualized as an independent variable on performance is still unclear thus the paper intends to find out.
Key words; Change management practices, Environment, Organizational Performance
CITATION: The role of environment on the relationship between change management practices and organizational performance: A critical review of literature. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 635 – 642.
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