Stakeholder participation is largely seen as the critical mechanism which ensures that the stakeholder needs are catered for during the project's life cycle thereby granting the ownership of the project. The pivot of this research was to establish how participation of stakeholders can impact the consummation of the government affordable housing scheme, Ngara park road project. The study's objectives were to determine the extent to which stakeholder participation in project selection, making preparations, execution, and monitoring and review contribute to the effectiveness of the Ngara Park Road affordable government housing scheme in Nairobi City County. The research was guided by the stakeholder, system, stewardship, and ladder of participation theories. The study employed a descriptive survey design as well as a cluster sampling procedure. The target population was the Ngara Park Road Project. Semi-structured questionnaires and interview timelines were used to gather information, which considered necessary verification by evaluations, and accuracy was ascertained by using Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The data that was quantitative and analyzed by use of descriptive and correlation analysis like principal component analysis and Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and was proffered in tabular or representation of data. To investigate and understand qualitative data from interview sessions, subject matter and discourse analysis was used. The findings of the study revealed that; stakeholder participation necessitates time to efficiently strategize on cost and resources, which aids in the achievement of successful project performance, proposal planning process increases the effectiveness of housing program, project identifying aids in planning, initialising, and authorization. A project manager is a critical stakeholder in a construction project because his expertise has a significant impact on project idealizing, scheduling, and communication throughout the project process. A construction project will necessitate teamwork, and team building is essential for the project's various stakeholders. The study recommended that; project managers should involve stakeholders in the various phases of identifying a project in order to provide meaningful feedback to the project's sponsor on the direction the project is taking.
Keywords: Stakeholders Participation, Project performance, Project identification, Project planning, Project monitoring and evaluation, Project Cost/ Budget, Project quality
CITATION: Kipkoech, A., & Gachengo, L. (2021). Stakeholder participation and performance of government affordable housing scheme: case study of Park Road Ngara Housing in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 676 – 687.
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