This study assessed influence of public engagement on development projects policy implementation in Kilifi County. The specific objectives included, to assess the effects of community awareness on development projects policy implementation, to find effects of capacity building development projects policy implementation and to assess effects of monitoring on development projects policy implementation. The study was linked to new public management and theory of social exchange. A descriptive design was used for this study. Target population of 100 respondents was used from Kilifi citizens involved in community decision making process. A sample size of 80 respondents was sampled from the population using stratified random sampling technique. Data collection was done through questionnaires, reliability testing and validity testing of questionnaire and pilot study done. Data analysis was done by inferential statistics using SPSS and results presented in tables, graphs, and charts. The study findings established that public engagement positively influenced development projects policy implementations. This was affirmed by the regression model analysis using coefficients of adjusted determination 0.715(71.5%) indicating the variation of dependent variable as explained by independent variables (community awareness, capacity building and monitoring). 28.5% residual was explained by other factors not included in this study. On analysis of variables P-value was 0.001<0.05 affirming that the study variable significantly influenced development projects policy implementation. It was therefore concluded that community awareness, capacity building and monitoring significantly influences development projects policy implementation. The study therefore recommended that Kilifi County Government should expand the level of public engagement to the grass roots and ensure that it is well understood for public confidence, support, and acceptance during development projects policy implementation.
Key Words: Community Awareness, Capacity Building, Monitoring
CITATION Kithome P., & Ng’ang’a, P. (2021). Public engagement and development projects implementation policy in Kilifi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 688 – 706.
Full Text:
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