This research established the Influence of Strategy Implementation on Organizational Performance of Sugar Milling Firms in Western Kenya. The researcher adopted the descriptive research design. The research targeted a population of 300 senior managers, managers and head of departments of the 10 sugar milling factories. The study employed stratified sampling technique through which a sample size of 90 respondents were drawn using simple random sampling. A copy of questionnaire was administered to the participants to gather the data. To achieve the objectives of the study, both descriptive and inferential statistics was employed in the analysis of quantitative data by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25) and qualitative data were coded for entry. The study findings analyzed, summarized and presented in various descriptive statistics tools. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to evaluate the effects that Strategy Implementation have on the Organizational Performance of Sugar Milling Firms in Western Kenya. The model significance was tested using T-tests, F-tests and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that external environment was found to be statistically significant in explaining the performance of sugar milling firms in western Kenya (P=0.11<0.05). It was also revealed that strategic leadership was found to be statistically significant (P=0.021, <0.05) in explaining the performance of Sugar Milling firms in Kenya. The study further revealed that organizational structure was found to be statistically significant (P=0.034, <0.05) in determining the performance of Sugar Milling firms in Kenya. Lastly, the study revealed that strategic resource management was found to be statistically significant (P=0.039, <0.05) in describing the performance of Sugar Milling Firms in western Kenya. The study therefore recommended that the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture should regulate sugar importation. The study also suggested that sugar factories should make the most of their capacity in order to fulfill rising sugar demand. Sugar corporations should engage closely with local governments to develop rural roads that facilitate the delivery of cane and farm inputs. The report suggested that each department's strategy and structure be aligned, as well as that performance contracts be aligned with strategic objectives and targets.
Key Words: external environment, strategic leadership, organizational structure, strategic resource management
CITATION: Oyula, J. M., Kiama, M., & Rintari, A. (2021). Influence of strategy implementation on organizational performance of sugar milling firms in western Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 763 – 781.
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