This study examined the process of managing students’ academic records for best practice and proposed measures of its improvement at the KCA University in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: investigate the processes of capturing/creating and managing of records; establish factors that affect the management of students’ records; assess the challenges in managing students’ records and propose measures for best practice in managing students’ academic records at KCA University. This study used a descriptive research design. It applied both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection through interviews and questionnaires respectively. Out of a population of 113, a sample of 103 respondents were selected. The study population included administrative staff, records managers, and student leaders. Qualitative data was analysed using the content analysis, tabulation and summary. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS and presented as descriptive statistics using graphs, tables and pie charts. The study findings indicated that the processes of creation and capturing included the sorting out records by type, correct filling and storage. Also, that the factors which necessitated records management included provision of evidence, risk management, and institutional management. Some of the challenges encountered in management of students’ records included inefficient records storage facilities, misplaced records, spoilt records and inadequate records management staff. The study concluded that best practice in records management requires consistent and coherent processes from creation through to the preservation. The study recommended a need for a higher capacity storage facility to enable proper filing and employment of trained personnel to enhance records management. With reference to the theoretical framework for this study, records are used for transactional, evidentiary, and memory purposes, thus a unified approach to archiving / recordkeeping should be adopted, regardless of retention periods. In conclusion, management of students’ academic records is vital for best practice and overall smooth running of the KCA University.
CITATION: Thegu, W. W., Oyieke, L., & Mbenge T. N. (2021). Management of students’ academic records for best practice at KCA University, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 863 – 879.
Key words: Records, Management, Best Practice, Creation, Evidence, Risk Management, Retrieval, Reference
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