This appraisal examined the impact of intrapreneurial factors on execution of government financed youth pack attempts in Kajiado County, Kenya. In particular, the evaluation endeavored to set up the impact of innovativeness on the showcase of government supported youth group attempts in Kajiado County, to foster the impact of proactiveness on the presentation of government financed youth pack undertakings in Kajiado County, to pick the impact of risk expecting the demonstration of government maintained youth pack tries in Kajiado County and in the long run to choose the impact of self-rule on the introduction of government financed youth pack experiences in Kajiado County. The appraisal utilized clear overview research plan. The objective individuals for this assessment contained the 140 government financed Youth experiences in Kajiado County which had been cooperating for more than three years with base on either the proprietors or head chiefs. From the amount of tenants in 140 SMEs, a representation of 103 SMEs will be picked. A pilot study was done on 10 Government maintained YGEs in Nairobi County. This appraisal, being reasonable a few properties, couple with the way that it revolved around a generally huge individuals geologically spread in Kajiado County, the master endeavored to make and utilize outlines as the key information mix instrument. Information gathered was quantitative in nature. The quantifiable devices included Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) variety 26 and MS Excel assisted the researcher with depicting and analyzing the information. Inferential assessment including affiliation appraisal was done to analyze the relationship between factors while fall away from the faith assessment was performed to foster the grit of the components against the segments.
Key Words: Innovativeness, Proactivenes, Risk Expecting, Self-Rule, Youth Pack, Autonomy
CITATION: Kusero, D. L., Mutiiria, E. N., & Kiama, M. (2021). Influence of intrapreneurial factors on performance of government funded youth group enterprises in Kajiado County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 880 – 896.
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