This study explored the theoretical relationship between supply chain visibility and sales performance of oil and gas multinational firms in Rivers State. The study was conceptualized with supply chain visibility as a predictor variable to sales performance with measures such as sales volume and market share. From theoretical and empirical literature the study deduced that supply chain visibility is key and prerequisite to any supply chain effort and sales performance particularly among oil and gas multinational firms sequel to the empirical findings of other scholars in their various studies and contexts. The study concluded that supply chain visibility is a veritable driver to sales performance; key and prerequisite to any supply chain effort and sales performance particularly among oil and gas multinational firms in Rivers State. The study recommended that oil and gas multinational firms in Rivers State should prioritize supply chain visibility to improve their sales performance; oil and gas multinational firms in Rivers State should also adopt supply chain visibility to strengthen and fasten communication as this will in turn lead to better sales performance
Keywords: Supply Chain Visibility, Sales Performance, Sales Volume, Market Share, Oil and Gas Multinational Firms.
CITATION: Akintokunbo, O. O., & Ali, F. O. (2021). Supply chain visibility and sales performance of oil and gas multinational companies in Rivers State. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 966 – 973.
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