The purpose of the study was to determine the role of ERP implementation strategies on Enterprise Resource Planning systems related factors among healthcare facilities in Kenya. The study applied positivism research philosophy and descriptive cross-sectional design with target population constituted of the executives of the healthcare organizations from level 4, 5 and 6 hospitals registered in the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board based on 2021 data base. A structured questionnaire that contained closed ended questions was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using logistic regression analysis at a 95% confidence interval in order to examine significance of the relationships between the variables and to test the hypotheses. Analyzed data was presented using tables and figures for ease of interpretation. The study confirmed an existence of a moderating influence of ERP Implementation Strategies on the relationship between the technological, organizational, environmental and user characteristics on adoption of ERP system. The study recommendED a robust understanding of different implementation strategies to be adopted at each level of adoption process for the success in the facilities objectives. The study also recommendED that to handle ERP system value creation challenges, healthcare executives should start with maintenance and systems compatibility challenges by adopting hybrid strategies since they are flexible in adapting to the specific needs of the situation and industries can exclusively adjust implementations for their needs.
Key words: ERP adoption related factors, Implementation strategies, ERP system adoption, Health care facilities
CITATION: Bezuneh, D. W., Kamau, J. N., Macharia, J. (2021). The moderating role of ERP implementation strategies on enterprise resource planning system adoption related factors among healthcare facilities in Kenyan context. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 987 – 1002.
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