This paper empirically examined the relationship between human resource development (cognitive, capabilities and behavioural development) and employee resourcefulness of hotels in the South-South of Nigeria. The population comprised 1108 employees from fourteen hotels out of which a sample of 294 workers was generated using the Taro Yamen sample size derivation formula, however only 261 questionnaire copies retrieved from the field were utilized for the study. The Spearman’s rank order correlation was used to test the three null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. Results showed that all dimensions of human resource development had significant but moderate impact on employee resourcefulness of hotels. In conclusion, it was stated that human resource development as expressed through the cognitive, capabilities and behavioural development of the workers drives their competence, confidence and skill level and through that contributes towards increased levels of employee resourcefulness and was recommended that training and development packages and content be aligned with the market needs and expectations of the business context in a way that allows for effective repositioning of the organizations human resource to tackle related gaps in human resource functionality and resourcefulness.
Key Words: Human Resource Development, Employee Resourcefulness, Cognitive, Capabilities, Behavioural
CITATION: Okoronkwo, g. I. (2021). Entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovative behaviour in selected manufacturing SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 1015 – 1025.
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