This study determined the influence of performance evaluation practices on creative governance success in Tier four public hospitals in Kenya. The study used quantitative approach to data collection and analysis and adopted a descriptive correlation research design. As such, the study targeted five managerial/Administrative officers in each of the 14 tier four hospitals in Kenya; with additional six Mid-level employees from each hospital to take care of attrition and information validity given the busy hospital schedules). A census survey of 200 respondents was used. Response rate was good with 157 respondents participating. A Questionnaire was used as the research instrument. The reliability of the study instruments was tested yielding an acceptable reliability coefficient 0.7; and the validity was ensured by consulting experts. The background information was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages. The hypothesis testing was done using linear regression analysis. Performance evaluation practices measured studied using indicators such as establishment of performance management systems, holding regular performance evaluation periods, establishing models/procedures to meet performance evaluation goals, data collection & analysis on performance evaluation and monitoring to measure change after evaluation intervention. On the other hand, creative governance success measures were constructed to include: innovative ideas/products, creative designs of processes, learning new skills, attainment of organization goals, motivated staff and satisfied clients. Results reviewed existence of creative governance with its latent variables varying considerably. The tested hypothesis showed a significant correlation coefficient of r= 0.520; p=0.00. Observation from the regression analysis, showed that performance evaluation practices have a significant influence (Beta= 0.564; p=0.00) on creative governance success. The study results inform Hospital managers on the need to commit and expand performance evaluation practices so that the hospitals may reap the benefits of creative governance; of which leads to superior delivery of services to patients.
Key Words: Performance Evaluation, Performance Management System, Performance Evaluation Procedures, Creative Governance
CITATION: Kaluyu, V., Wachana, P., & Kalunda, E.(2022). Influence of performance evaluation practices on creative governance success in public hospitals in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 77 – 98.Full Text:
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