This study determined the influence of governance structures on the performance of the EALS. Its specific objectives included: to determine the influence of the board structure on the performance of the EALS; to determine the influence of the ownership structure on the performance of the EALS; to determine the influence of executive compensation on the performance of the EALS; and to determine the Influence of control structures on the performance of the EALS. The study was limited to EALS and focused on 157 staff working within the Arusha offices. The study adopted a causal research design since it sought to establish the effect of governance structures on organizational performance. It used census survey so it didn’t do any sampling. The study used self-administered questionnaires on 157 respondents from the target population who were given two weeks to complete the questionnaires before collection using a drop and pick arrangement. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS. The results were then presented using tables and figures. According to the results, board structure and executive compensation do not play a significant role in influencing organisational performance at EALS while ownership structure and control structures are critical towards the attainment of improved organisational performance. Financial performance is the most critical component of organisational performance at EALS. In general EALS experienced improvements in performance as a result of the governance structures in place. The study recommended that EALS should consider incorporating features of board structure within its governance structures by benchmarking with industrial leaders across the globe. It should also review the institutionalization of insider ownership as a component of ownership structure. EALS should also focus on the integration of social controls as components of control structures so as not to be outcompeted by rivals. Finally, although the various indicators of performance have been well addressed, the level of competitiveness in the industry should be the main area of focus given its relatively poor rating amongst the respondents.
Key Words: Board Structure, Ownership Structure, Executive Compensation, Control Structures
CITATION: Akoth, M. A., Mokaya, S. O., & Ghamunga, F. (2022). Relationship between governance structures and performance of the East Africa Law Society, Arusha, Tanzania. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 172 – 197.
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