In many county administrations, poor procurement performance is a widespread concern, with an annual cost of more than USD 0.5 million (Ksh, 50 million). Poor procurement management has resulted in an annual loss of more than Ksh.50 million to county governments in Kenya. More than half of the goods and services put out for public procurement had a mark-up of 60% on the market price, according to the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). As a result, this research attempted to assess the impact of supplier sourcing on procurement performance in the Migori County Government in Kenya. The study used a descriptive research approach. The County Government of Migori's supply chain, finance, user, and accounting departments constituted the study's 124 participants. The research used a stratified random sampling approach to pick 95 participants as its sample size. Self-administered structured questionnaires were used to gather the data. Inferential analysis comprised correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, while descriptive analysis included frequencies, means, SDs, and percentages. To make sense of the information, tables and models were used. Observable constructs that measure independent variables were shown to be in accord with descriptive outcomes such as mean. Supplier sourcing and procurement performance have a positive correlation. A simple linear regression showed that the Migori County Government's procurement performance was mostly explained by supplier sourcing. Therefore, the study concluded that Supplier sourcing played a very key role in procurement management performance since it has led to cost effectiveness in regard to procurement process. In order to determine which suppliers were most suitable, the researchers recommended putting a lot of attention on comparing them side by side. Furthermore, the procurement of suppliers by county governments must be done openly and in accordance with established rules.
Key Words; Supplier Sourcing, Procurement performance, Migori County Government
CITATION: Omolo, L. A., Miroga, J., & Otinga, H. N. (2022). Influence of supply sourcing on procurement performance in the county government of Migori, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 225 – 235.
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