The Study’s general objective was to analyze the implications of refugees on community security in Garissa County, Kenya. A mixed research design was adapted to cater for both qualitative and quantitative nature of this study. This study being more qualitative in nature mostly dwelled on conversational and open ended queries to gain information. Garissa County was a suitable county to carry out this study as the county has grappled with matters of insecurity in the last three decades and it has hosted the largest refugee camp in the country. A sample size of 385 was engaged drawn from Sub county Commissioners, Chiefs, local residents and refugees of Dadaab refugee camp. Purposive, cluster and systematic sampling technique was employed. Interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaires were used in data collection. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis was employed to group, classify and summarize the findings. The study revealed that, 84% of the residents of Garissa have experienced community insecurity in the county. Common genesis of instances of insecurity in the county includes competition over scarce natural resources, administrative and electoral border issues, rivalry and unclear property ownership, historical rivalry, political competition and illegal arms trade. The main impact of refugees on community security are community displacement, sectarian violence and ethnic violence that led to loss and/or destruction of property, additionally there was rape and other forms of gender based violence. The challenges posed by refugees included environmental degradation, criminal gangs, competition over grazing land, threats to personal and property safety, rise in population and illiteracy levels. The study recommended that refugees and the host community work harmoniously on matters touching on their common challenges and with intent of identifying and promoting of conflict management strategies. UNHCR which is mandated to protect and assist to refugees should empower the refugees. This empowerment should include provision of practical livelihood skills to enhance self-sustainability. UNHCR in collaboration with Kenya National government should also train a pragmatic Peace Committee to cater for conflict prevention and conflict mitigation within Garissa County.
Key Words: community security, refugees, Garissa, Refugee Camp
CITATION: Thumbi, A. M., & Muoka, B. K. (2022). Implications of refugees on community security: Case of Garissa County, Kenya (1991-2019). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 500 – 517.
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