Employee attitudinal outcomes are integral to the organization’s stability and functional coherence. Such dispositions toward the organization and significant others are imperative for the health and overall cohesion of the workplace. This paper identified effective leadership as playing a crucial role in the perceptions and expectations of workers and thus impacting on employee attitudinal outcomes. The paper was designed as a theoretical paper, specifically structured to discuss the concepts of effective leadership (leadership focus, leadership communication, and leadership responsiveness) and employee attitudinal outcomes (employee job commitment, job satisfaction, and job involvement) from a perspective premised within the contingency theory of leadership. Following the literature review, the paper identified leadership focus, communication, and responsiveness as enabling improved connectedness and relationship between leaders and their employees. Thus, this paper affirmed the link between effective leadership and employee attitudinal outcomes, especially given the imperatives of effective leadership features such as focus, communication, and responsiveness in advancing the necessary conditions which stimulate employee attitudinal outcomes such as job satisfaction, employee job commitment, and job involvement.
Keywords: Employee attitudinal outcomes, effective leadership, contingency theory of leadership
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Onyeche, C. N. (2022). effective leadership and employee attitudinal outcomes. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 610 – 621.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i1.2210
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