Over the decades, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has continued to grow in importance and significance. As a result, there has been an increasing interest among scholars and researcher to investigate the link between CSR initiatives and a company’s business sustainability. At the same time, implementing CSR as part of business strategy has received a lot of attention as one of the strategies that companies can employ to gain competitive advantage, reduce risk and costs, improve company brand and also attract a customer and a talented pool of employees. However, determining how CSR and financial performances are connected is further complicated by the lack of consensus of measurement methodology as it relates to corporate social performance. Investors want to see financial gains from their firms’ investments in CSR initiatives. Employees want to get more involved in CSR activities and since CSR is fairly a new concept at MTN Rwanda. This study focused on the employee views on these CSR activities. The findings from this study would create room for the company to take CSR activities more seriously and therefore make them part of their strategy. Following the analysis of the data, the following were some of the findings discussed; that 72 percent of the respondents believe that CSR can lead to increase in profits for the company, 98 percent of the respondents agreed that CSR improves the brand of a company. 76 percent would stay longer at a company that is socially responsible and 62 percent disagreed that they would take up employment in a company because of its CSR activities. This study provided further insight at how CSR is important to the brand of a company, to the employees’ especially through learning and innovation and to the customers and investors of a company to MTN Rwanda. Recommendations were given based on the findings and further research in this area was recommended.
Keywords: CSR initiatives, Company’s Business Sustainability, MTN Rwanda
CITATION: Murangira, K., & Mulyungi, P. (2022). Effect of corporate social responsibility activities on performance of a company – Case of MTN Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 751 – 764.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i1.2219
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