The purpose of the study was to examine knowledge management processes and organization success among Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya. The study addressed the following research questions: What is the influence of knowledge acquisition process on organization success among SACCOs in Kenya? To what extend does knowledge use process influence organization success among SACCOs in Kenya? To what extent does knowledge preservation process influence organization success among SACCOs in Kenya? What is the influence of knowledge sharing process on organization success among SACCOs in Kenya? Descriptive correlational research design was utilized and the study targeted 250 members within 162 licensed depositing-taking SACCO societies in Kenya. The study revealed that SACCOs recruited from a diverse pool of candidates to fill knowledge gaps. The organizations also benchmarked against other industry players to identify and keep up with industry standards. The study revealed that SACCOs collected and stored information in repositories for easy access, which fastened solving customers’ inquiries. The organizations also had clear policies and procedures on knowledge access and distribution that helped to promote knowledge exchange among employees. Furthermore, employee awareness initiatives helped to improve employees’ attitude towards compliance to the knowledge preservation guidelines. The study concluded that SACCOs relied on knowledge acquisition processes such as benchmarking and recruitment to improve their performance. Furthermore, SACCOs depended on knowledge use processes to identify new opportunities and to meet customer demands. Knowledge preservation practices improved knowledge access and compliance among employees. SACCOs have also benefited from effective knowledge distribution systems and training programs to acquire required skills. The study recommended that SACCOs adopt effective knowledge acquisition systems and mechanisms to identify and acquire strategic knowledge that will enhance organization’s success. SACCOs should also adopt more ways of utilizing knowledge to enhance organization success. SACCOs to continue devising up to date modes of preserving knowledge to facilitate organization success. Furthermore, SACCOs should actively pursue knowledge sharing strategies, internally and externally, to enable sharing of new knowledge that could become a source of competitive advantage for the SACCOs.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Processes, Organization Success, Savings and Credit Cooperatives
CITATION: Kilonzo, Y. M., & Kaluyu, V. (2020). Knowledge management processes and organization success among savings and credit cooperatives in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 405 – 423.
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