This study examined strategic planning and employee engagement. Dimensions of strategic planning was reviewed as short-term planning and long term planning while measures of employee engagement were employee dedication and employee vigor. The study was anchored on Parkinson’s theory and supported by resource-based theory. The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between short term planning and employee vigor, to determine the relationship between short term planning and employee dedication, to examine the relationship between long term planning and employee vigor and to determine the relationship between long term planning and employee dedication. The study revealed that strategic planning is a key to employee engagement and successful organizational performance. The study concluded that strategic planning and employee engagement influence the attainment of organizational goals and objectives; which means that strategic planning resulted in high job engagement and motivation. The study recommended that short term planning should be done bi-annually by management and checkmate against employee dedication and employee vigor in other to determine if the set goal was actualized within the stipulated time as state. This would help enhance employee engagement and influence effective time management. Long term goal should be set by management in order to evaluate employee dedication and vigor towards attaining the company’s mission, vision and purpose in the long run, and this will help the firm to have a competitive advantage over others.
Keywords: Long Term Planning, Short Term Planning, Employee Dedication, Employee Vigor
CITATION: Barinua, V., & Deinma, E. (2022). Strategic planning and employee engagement: Theoretical review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 942 – 954.
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