This study examined the relationship between efficiency improvement and competitive advantage of bottled water manufacturing companies in Rivers State, Nigeria. Efficiency improvement was conceptualized as the independent variable while service quality, innovativeness and market focus were used as measures of the competitive advantage. The study is anchored on system theory and resource-based theory. In pursuance of the objectives of the study, the cross-sectional survey method was adopted. The study revealed that efficiency improvement has positive and significant effects that translate to competitive advantage. It is recommended that management should promote policies on efficiency improvement with a view to improving service quality, innovativeness and market focus in organization.
Keywords: Efficiency Improvement, Competitive Advantage, Service Quality, Innovativeness, Market Focus
CITATION: Harry, O. F., & Barinua, V. (2022). The impact of efficiency improvement on competitive advantage of manufacturing companies, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 107 – 115.
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