The study was on the determinants of strategic plan formulation and implementation by church based SACCOs in Nairobi metropolitan. It reviewed the literature on the factors influencing the implementation of strategic plans in organizations. The study was guided by a specific objective which was; to determine the role of organization structure on formulation and implementation of strategic plans in church based SACCOs in Nairobi metropolitan. This research study adopted a descriptive survey approach on a target population of 95 management staff in church based SACCOs in Nairobi. Primary data was gathered directly from respondents and for this study; a semi-structured questionnaire was utilized. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires and was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and presented through percentages, means and frequencies. The information was also presented by use of frequency tables and charts. Analyzed data were presented descriptively in the form of tables. Findings revealed that the influence of organization structure was found to have a correlation coefficient of (r=0.322). These findings were majorly consistent with most previous studies. It was concluded that strategy formulation practices at deposit taking SACCOs were not up to expectations and there was much to be done in this regard to facilitate the enhancement of organizational performance. Recommendations suggested the inclusion of more operational members in strategy formulation, the adoption of a more objective formula in resource allocation, and preempting terminal underperformance through rigorous formative evaluations.
Key Words: Organization Structure, Leadership, Human Resource Management
CITATION: Mutiso, P. N., & Lewa, S. (2022). Determinants of formulation and implementation of strategic plans in church based SACCOs in Nairobi Metropolitan. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 116 – 122.
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