The study's general objective was to determine the influence of stakeholders’ involvement on project life-cycle and sustainability of National Government Constituency Development Fund projects in Kenya; A case of Likoni constituency. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine how stakeholders' involvement in project identification influence the sustainability of NG-CDF projects in Kenya, to assess how stakeholders' involvement in project planning influence sustainability of NG-CDF projects in Kenya, to understand how stakeholders' involvement in project implementation influence sustainability of NG-CDF project in Kenya and lastly to establish how stakeholders' involvement in project monitoring influence sustainability of NG-CDF projects in Kenya. The study was anchored on stakeholder theory, rational planning theory, theory of sustainability, project management theory and theory of change. The study targeted a total of 120 management committee members and project executors while a Slovin's formula was utilized to arrive at a sample of 92. The structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data from the target respondents and analyzed by the use of both descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 25). Correlation and regression analyses were used to establish the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. Test of the hypothesis was done at 95% confidence interval. The study found that there was a positive and significant relationship between stakeholders' involvement in the project life-cycle and the sustainability of NG-CDF projects in the Likoni constituency. The study concluded that stakeholders' participation in the project life cycle had a positive and significant influence on the sustainability of NG-CDF projects in the Likoni constituency. The study recommended that NG-CDF committees should utilize needs assessment, selection of project objectives, project team, and other essential requirements of the project. All NG-CDF stakeholders should be involved in identifying, planning, and managing their needs without imposed interventions. There is also a need for better formulation of strategies to increase citizen participation in the implementation stage of NG-CDF projects. Lastly, monitoring should be a non-stop undertaking that uses a methodical gathering of information.
Key Words: Project Planning, Project Identification, Project Implementation, Monitoring
CITATION: Oketch, G. O., & Owuor, D. E. (2022). Stakeholders’ involvement in project life-cycle and sustainability of national government constituency development fund projects in Kenya: A case study of Likoni Constituency. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 195 – 221.
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