The transfer of police officers has been associated with a decrease in police productivity, poor job satisfaction among officers mainly when officers are not comfortable with aspects of transfers such as timing and frequency. This issue has been contributing to incidences of police brutality and resignation of officers from the service. Despite that, scarce empirical literature concerning how these transfers influence police officers at individual level including their personal development has been published. This study sought to explore the effect of police transfers on the personal development of administration police officers. The objectives of this study were to explore influence of timing and frequency of transfers on personal development on police officers. This study was guided by the street-level bureaucratic theory the expectancy-value theory using a descriptive research design. The target population for this study was all the officers working in the border patrol unit of the Administration police service. The study involved a sample 100 officers from this unit through purposive sampling technique. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect data, which was then sorted, coded, and analyzed through descriptive and inferential analysis. The study showed that Time-and-frequency of transfer has a varying negative effect on personal development. The study recommends policy makers to formulate a regular and predictable transfer schedule for police officers that consider the personal lives of officers and the transfer objectives.
Keywords: Transfer, Timing, Frequency, Personal Development
CITATION: Otieno, S. O., & Njoroge, J. (2022). Influence of transfer timing and frequency on personal development among the administration police service officers in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 246 – 257.
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