Service Delivery is a very important phenomenon in every organization. Rewarding any organization will solely depend on the results after service delivery. Linking up Strategic Management Practices and Service Delivery yields to how best the organization can provide the services to the clients. Effective strategy implementation, review and leadership in County Governments would ultimately affect effective service delivery; hence, this study focused on Strategic drivers on Service Delivery. The main purpose of this research study was; to examine the effect of Strategic Planning Practices on Service Delivery in Water Department in the County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The target population consisted of employees of County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. The entire target population was studied since it was manageable. Descriptive and inferential statistics findings of the data were analyzed by use of Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 24 (SPSS). Collection of data was done by use of questionnaire as the instrument. Pilot study was conducted on employees who were not among the main sample of the study. Structural regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables. ANOVA was performed to analyze the effects of various relationships at the variables level as well at item level. The overall finding of the study was that Strategic Planning Practices had an influence on service delivery in the water department of the county government of Kakamega; Kenya. The study recommended for encouragement of the use of strategic planning practices since it improves the service delivery. The study recommended for further studies on similar variable, different organizations and methods.
Key words: Strategic Planning, Strategic Management Practices, Service Delivery
CITATION: Ambetsa, O. M., Kadima, M. J., & Miroga, J. (2022). Strategic planning and service delivery in water department in the county government of Kakamega; Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 348 – 361.
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