The primary purpose of any organization is to be able to achieve its goals and objectives satisfactory. Most of the firms in EPZ operate on shift work in order to meet their production targets and workers have no choice but to work on shifts some of which have difficulties working on. The primary goal of this research was to look into the impact of employee initiative on employee performance at the EPZ Athi River in Machakos County, Kenya. The study's goal was to see how task management affected employee work performance. Structural improvement theory, social exchange theory, resource-based view theory, and human capital theory were the foundations of this research. A descriptive research strategy was also used to collect data on various subjects based on the research challenge. Employees made up the target population of 1013. The study used a stratified random sampling technique and focused on 101 employees from Bedi clothes, equatorial fruit processing, celebrity plastics, and Earth Oil Africa, which represents 10% of the workforce. To guarantee that enough data was acquired for analysis, the study collected both primary and secondary data. A pilot study was conducted on the data collection instruments to ensure that the key components of the main study were possible. The instrument was put through its paces to ensure its reliability and validity. Crobanch's Alpha was used to assess the study's reliability and validity. For data interpretation and analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) V22 was used. To assess the relationship between the variables in the study, SPSS was utilized to do multiple regression analysis. Tables were used to present data. It was established that the culture in the EPZ was poor and as a result the employee task management was compromised, for the culture of employee task management is not build in the teams. The study concluded that, task management positively and significantly affected the employee performances. The study recommended that the company employees should always be ready for anything, plan ahead, break down a large work into smaller tasks, give specific directions and concentrate on a single task at a time. The study recommended the managers in the EPZ to consider one-on-one mentorship to employee. The directors also should consider making a mechanism for employee-led educational initiatives.
Key words: Employee performance, task management initiatives
CITATION: Mutuku, T. M., & Makhamara, F. (2022). Task management initiatives and employee performance in export processing zones in Athi-River, Machakos County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 481 – 492.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2277
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