Providing a positive customer experience has remained crucial to the success of any organization. This is because a happy customer is one who is more likely to become a loyal customer who can help organizations to boost their revenue. Customer sensitization seeks to educate clients on organization’s services being rendered, how to access them as well as resolving customer complaints. This study aimed to establish the relationship between customer experience and performance of Water Service providers in Kenya. The study used the contrast theory and the descriptive survey design. A census of 88 respondents was used while questionnaires were the main data collection instruments. The findings revealed a positive relationship between customer sensitization and improved performance for water service providers in Kenya.
Key Words: Customer experience, sensitization, performance, revenue generation.
CITATION: Abucheri, J. A., & Otsyula, J. (2022). Relationship between customer sensitization and performance of water service providers in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 890 – 896.
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