This study examined the influence of coaching managers on organizational performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study reached a total of 384 employees, sampled on a stratified random sampling method, from the two strata: top and middle cadre employees. Respondents were presented with descriptive statements in a 5-point and 4-point Likert scale on which they were required to rate by scoring the extent to which they perceived a particular statement as descriptive of the force in the corporations. The study used questionnaires to collect data. The questionnaires were coded and edited for completeness and consistency and entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). Analysis involved descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. The study concluded that the organization managers usually have a vision to improve the financial performance of the commercial banks and that the organization chooses transformational leaders from internal and external labour markets, captivate extraordinary performance of the employees and lastly communicate effectively. The study concluded that managers direct the business affairs of the organization towards enhancing business prosperity. The study recommended future researches to be done to establish the specific areas of employee engagement influenced by transformational leadership behaviors, as well as their contribution to organizational performance. Studies may also be done to establish why idealized influence of supervisor was found to be negatively related to both employee engagement and organizational performance as per this study finding. Since majority of empirical studies reveal that there is an enormous return on investment for organizations and even Governments when employees are fully engaged, there’s need to establish other factors that may influence employee engagement levels which will further boost organizational performance.
Key Words: Coaching, Managers, Commercial Banks
CITATION: Muchiri, C. T., Waiganjo, E., & Kahiri, J. M. (2022). Influence of coaching managers on organizational performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1008 – 1016.
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