In Kenya, the human resource elements impact employee performance in public universities. This study therefore looked into the impact of remuneration and recognition practices on performance of middle level managers at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya. Agency theory, Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory, and Efficiency Wage Theory were used in the research. The findings clearly indicated that employees in Kenyatta University were moderately satisfied with their monthly remuneration, wages, bonuses, and salaries. The management at Kenyatta University moderately allowed staff to participate in decision making activities and moderately provided financial rewards to staff in recognition of job well done. According to the findings, managers should examine and raise employee salary and perks, as well as give additional advantages to employees. Workers' work-life harmony is well strengthened, and the organization’s management should give competitive pay packages to persuade employees not to quit on the basis of remuneration. The report recommended that suitable employee recognition initiatives be developed and implemented in order to promote individual and organizational performance. It closed by recommending that suitable reward management system be developed and implemented in order to promote individual and organizational performance.
Keywords: Reward Management, Performance, Middle-Level Managers, Kenyatta University
CITATION: Mugo, E. W., Makhamara, F. (2022). Role of remuneration and recognition practices on performance of middle level managers: empirical evidence from Kenyatta University, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1342 -1354.
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