Container Freight Stations in Mombasa try to capitalize in crafting strategies that utilize knowledge to increase their performance. The main purpose of the research was to examine the effect of organizational memory management on performance of container freight stations in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study looked at five theories underpinning this study and they are; Resource Based View, Knowledge Based View, the Learning Organization Theory, the Balanced Score Card and the efficiency structure theories. The study target population consisted of 110 employees who were the Management Staff, operational and support staff from the Container Freight Stations in Mombasa County. The sample size of the study was 85 drawn from 110 respondents spread in all levels of management. Primary information was collected using structured and unstructured questionnaires. The validity of the research instruments was attained at through content validity while reliability was tested using the Cronbach’s alpha technique. Pseudo R square statistics were utilized as a measure of relationship between organizational memory management and performance of container freight stations in Mombasa County, Kenya. The adjusted coefficient of determination R square computed at 0.64, Container Freight Stations have introduced knowledge management in its undertakings with an average mean of 4.56 and average Standard Deviation of 0.54 and a coefficient of variation of 0.21. The study findings indicated there was a positive and significant correlation between organizational memory management and performance of container freight stations in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study indicated that. The organization memory management increased the performance of CFSs in Mombasa County thus positively affecting performance. The study recommended that CFSs should encourage their employees to utilize knowledge in order make them more effective.
Key Terms: Organizational Memory Management, Knowledge Management Orientation, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Exploration, Knowledge Exploitation
CITATION: Olumasi, D. A., & Rugami, A. (2022). Effect of organizational memory management on performance of container freight stations in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1405 -1417.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2344
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