In recent years, leadership related studies have been spread around the multi-disciplinary areas. New leadership models have been created. One of that model is called toxic leadership. Adversely to positive leadership styles, toxic leadership is destructive and harmful for employees and organisations. The popularization of dark leadership perspective triggered the development of toxic leadership model. This paper reviewed the interaction between toxic leadership and employee turnover intention. Firstly, it is looked at the concepts of toxic leadership as well as turnover intention. The paper also discussed the manifestations of toxic leadership, effects of toxic leadership and the relationship between toxic leadership and turnover intention. The paper concluded that negative attitudes and behaviors of Toxic Leaders leads to many negative outputs in the workplace, not only by means of the decreasing organizational commitment but also the decreasing workplace performance of employees. The study also showed that toxic managers do not realize their toxicity of themselves. They mostly focus on their up-to-date success while ignoring their long-term and permanent harm on the employees.
Keywords: Toxic Leadership, Abusive Supervision, Turnover Intention, Authoritarian leadership, Narcissism
CITATION: Ogbonda, E. H., & Amadi, G. (2022). Toxic leadership and employee turnover intention: A conceptual review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1418 -1429.
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