This paper attempts to fill the existing knowledge gap on models for delivering public awareness services in devolved systems of government by examining the effects of corruption in public awareness within Kiambu and Nairobi City Counties, which are two devolved systems of government in Kenya and its impact on public service delivery within the two counties. The paper is based on empirical research that looked at the effects of corruption in conducting civic education forums on public service delivery and is anchored on institutional theory, commons theory, policy networks theory and multiple streams framework. The research took a qualitative interpretative approach, with in depth interviews involving 126 respondents and two focus group discussions with 9 key stakeholders being carried out. The data was subjected to thematic analysis and findings showed that corruption in public awareness led to inaccessible and poor, quality public services. The study made recommendations on how the two counties might overcome corruption in public awareness and recommended a conceptual model to guide further studies in this area.
Key words: Corruption in public awareness, civic education forums, embezzlement, bribery, public service delivery.
CITATION: Mwangi, J., Muna, W., & Naituli, G. (2022). Corruption in public awareness and public service delivery-evidence and lessons from county governments in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1430 -1440.
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