Many devolved governments seek to address corruption through information processing and there is scant data on whether these efforts lead to improved public service delivery. This paper attempts to address this empirical gap by looking at corruption in information processing and public service delivery in the devolved governments of Kiambu and Nairobi City Counties. The paper is the result of an empirical study that looked at the impact of corruption in information processing on public service delivery. The study utilized institutional theory, commons theory, policy networks theory and multiple streams framework. The methodology used was qualitative, with 126 interviews and 2 focus group discussions with 9 key stakeholders from each county. Thematic analysis was carried out and findings showed that corruption in information processing adversely affected the accessibility and quality of public services in both counties. The authors make recommendations for the counties to help them eradicate corruption in information processing and a conceptual model is shared, for further studies in this area.
Key words: Corruption in information processing, dissemination procedures, embezzlement, bribery, public service delivery.
CITATION: Mwangi, J., Muna, W., & Naituli, G. (2022). Corruption in information processing and public service delivery-evidence and lessons from county governments in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1441-1452.
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