The aim of survey was to investigate the effect of organizational organizational structures on performance of international airlines in Kenya. This research was aimed at the production managers as well as team administrators of international airlines, which had a total of 187 workers. From a total population of 187, 106 people were chosen as the sample size. Utilizing the formulas created by Yamane, this was chosen to make certain that the sample size was a great reflection of the whole demography. The research utilized first-hand information that was mostly quantitative as well as descriptive. After the questionnaires had been stuffed out but also sent back, they were checked for accuracy, categorized, and entered into the SPSS version 22. Statistics were employed to describe as well as figure out what the information meant. In descriptive analysis, the tables of frequency, the mean, as well as the standard deviation were used to find the central tendencies but also the spread of the data, respectively. From the findings in the bivariate correlation, significant relationship was established between organizational structure and organizational performance hence included in the analysis. The survey's conclusion was that organizational structure has such a big impact on how well international airlines in Kenya run as a business. The research also suggested that institutional invest in resources as well as data transmission systems to make certain that that their staff have the correct, expertise, but also proficiencies to do their jobs well and take the company to greater heights.
Key Words: Organizational Structures, Leadership, International Airlines
CITATION: Watiri, C., Senaji, T., & Ogolla, D. (2022). Effect of organizational organizational structures on performance of international airlines in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 58-66.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i3.2353
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