Human trafficking is an international crime of major concern with the rise in migration trends around the world, with about fourty million victims today. In East and Horn of Africa, the vice has been identified as one of the leading forms of transnational crime against voluntary, coerced and forced migrants. Regional initiatives for curbing human trafficking seem not effective with prevalence of the vice, necessitating strategic approaches in individual nations. In Kenya, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations is one of the government institutions mandated to detect and mitigate the prevalence of human trafficking, with success in these functions not conclusively researched. Thus, this study’s main goal was to evaluate the influence of strategic detective approaches on the management of human trafficking by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Specifically, the study assessed the extent to which multi-agency approach, international cooperation and public sensitization strategies aided the organization. Guiding the study were the bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems, complex systems and diversity and inclusion theories. Descriptive survey research design was adopted while targeting 198 government officers in the Police Service and Immigration department. Simple random sampling, method was applied at 50% to get the sample size of 99 respondents. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire by drop and pick later method upon piloting to ensure validity and reliability. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. Data was presented through charts, tables and graphs. Ethics was ensured for selection and participation of respondents. The study found that strategic approaches by the organization had not been effective in the management of human trafficking in the Nairobi City County. The study recommended the enhancement of operations capacities for multi sector cooperation such as modern equipment and staff training as well as enhancing public awareness on human trafficking.
Key Words: Crime; Detective Strategies; Human Trafficking; International Cooperation; Migrants Multi Agency Cooperation; Public Awareness; Public Sensitization
CITATION: Muendo, C. M., & Wambua, P. (2022). Strategic detective approaches and management of human trafficking by the directorate of criminal investigations in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 172-187.
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