The increasing frequency and severity of disasters is a global security concern which has led to adoption of new disaster management tools embracing interagency collaboration approach. However, to achieve effective collaborations during disaster management, there is need to understand how organizational dynamics influence collaborative arrangements. The study assessed the influence of OD on the effectiveness of interagency collaboration during disaster management in Nairobi City County (NCC), Kenya. The study was anchored on resource dependence theory, it employed both cross sectional survey and phenomenological research designs. Target population was 3045 persons working with disaster management agencies in NCC and a sample size of 317 purposively and stratified randomly picked from the various strata of target population. Data collection instruments used in the study were questionnaires and key informant interview guide. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistical procedures and inferential analysis specifically linear regression. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. Findings of the study revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between OD and IAC where a correlation coefficient (R) of =0.203; P= 0.001 was established, this implied that OD contribute 20.3% of the outcome of IAC. Coefficient of determination (R2) was R2= 0.106: P= 0.00, this implied that 10.6% of variability in IAC during disaster management is explained by OD. The study concluded that managing diversities as a result of inevitable differences in agency cultures, policies, structures, procedures, beliefs, values and philosophies is key. The study recommended the development of policy to guide IAC operations, creating opportunities for regular interaction between the various disaster management agencies through joint training, workshops and meetings, this will provide a platform for such agencies to learn each other’s cultures, values, philosophies, missions and understanding of others mandates, operations and also expanding IAC network.
Key words: Interagency Collaboration (IAC), Disaster Management (DM), Organizational Dynamics (OD) Disaster Management Agency (DMA) Collaborative Disaster Management (CDM) and Interagency (IA)
CITATION: Zakayo, C. N. (2022). Organizational dynamics and interagency collaborative disaster management in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 197-217.
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