This study examined the determinants of PMIS adoption in SDOPW projects in Kenya by analyzing the factors of Project top management support, project capacity availability, Project team Capability and Project stakeholder involvement. The Target population of this study was 207 with a sample size of 136 as determined by the Yamane’s formulae of sample size determination. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A modified Likert scale questionnaire was developed and divided into three parts. A pilot study was carried out to refine the instrument. The quality and consistency of the study was further assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed on a computer using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 25) for Windows. Data was presented in form of means, standard deviation, percentages and tables. The findings of this study considered correlation and regression analysis. The regression analysis showed that adoption of PMIS in SDOPW projects was influenced by the determinants of project top management support, project capacity availability, Project stakeholder involvement and Project team capability. The correlation analysis however indicated that Project stakeholder involvement had a negative influence on the adoption of PMIS while the correlation analysis on Project top management support, Project Capacity Availability and Project Team Capability showed strong to moderate positive correlation. The recommendations of this study were that the SDOPW focus on these determinants by realigning the priorities of the top management, streamlining project decision making and developing technological and staff capacity that is capable of reinforcing the efforts of rolling out a PMIS system.
Key Words: Top Management, Capacity Availability, Project Team Capability, Stakeholder Involvement
CITATION Ayier W. A., Ogolla, P., & Kitheka, S. (2022). Determinants of project management information systems adoption in the state department for public works projects, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 288 -306.
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