Food security is tied to a combination of factors that include climatic conditions, extreme weather and climate shocks, natural resource management, and access to appropriate inputs. Through descriptive research design and convenience sampling technique, this study describes factors affecting food security in rural households in Kenya a case of Muchonoke Sub Location. By use of questionnaires, primary data was collected from 72 households adult representative within Muchoneke Sub-Location identified through convenience sampling. Secondary data was obtained from the internet, journals and other forms of publications. The data was statistically analysed by Statistical Package for Social Science (version 23) with respect to the research objectives. The study found out that inadequate rainfall and lack of consistent rainfall pattern have greatly affected availability of food throughout the year. Other factors identified were poor infrastructure, low levels of income and lack of agriculture mechanization. The study recommended adoption of irrigation so as to deal with the challenge of inadequate rainfall. There is need to invest in agricultural modernization by promoting mechanized agriculture so as to enhance food stability.
Keywords: Food security; nutrition; food access; food availability; food utilization; food stability
CITATION: Nyabuto, W. (2022). Factors affecting food security in rural households in Kenya; A case of Muchonoke Sub-Location, Embu County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 349 -367.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i3.2375
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