One of the most significant elements in every organization is human capital. When managed strategically, human capital will establish attributes of value, rare, inimitable and non-substitutability for the enhancement of competitiveness. This study investigated the relationship between human capital and competitiveness enhancement in mobile telecommunication companies in Rwanda. Human capital factors in this study include knowledge and experience, innovation and creativity as well as skills and abilities. A cross-sectional study conducted in three mobile telecom companies in Rwanda used structured questionnaire filled and returned by 183 respondents. It was discovered that a statistically significant relationship exists between competitiveness enhancement and human capital. Therefore, the researcher recommended that mobile telecommunication companies should devote a lot of time, effort and money for the update and enhancement of employees’ knowledge, skills, abilities, innovativeness, creativeness and experience for the enhancement of their competitiveness.
Keywords: Human Capital, Strategic, Competitiveness, Innovation, Creativity, Knowledge, Skills, Telecom
CITATION: Irechukwu, E. N. (2022). Competitiveness enhancement - a function of strategic human capital in mobile telecommunication companies in Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 447 - 462.
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