Universities are adopting empowerment strategies to enhance academic staff competencies in spite of a myriad of challenges experienced. Academic staffs are regarded as the key resource of any institution of higher learning in the achievement of its goals. Despite the empowerment strategies adopted, concerns on quality education in universities has been in the public domain. These include: low output of quality research, teaching competency, unethical practices and few innovations impacting on quality of graduates and ranking of Kenyan universities globally. In view of the foregoing, this study investigated the effect of coaching on service delivery among the Academic Staff in Kenyan Public Universities. Transformational leadership theory was explored in guiding the development of theoretical and empirical review. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used in data collection. 358 respondents were sampled in accordance with Yamane’s formula from the nine universities where >0.7 Cronbach value was accepted as reliability value. The study findings revealed that coaching had a significant influence on service delivery among the academic staff in the Kenyan public universities; coaching (t-statistic=13.055, p-value=0.002< 0.05. The study recommends that public universities should prioritize coaching in building a strong institutional culture where senior staff can provide professional development to junior academic staff through innovative teaching, writing and conducting quality research and inculcation of leadership qualities.
Key Terms: Employee Empowerment; Service Delivery; Coaching
CITATION: Kavai, M. K., Egessa, R., & Tsuma, E. (2022). Coaching and service delivery among the academic staff in the Kenyan Public Universities. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 877 – 886.
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