The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of environmental scanning on the organizational performance of tourism statutory bodies in Zambia. The study was guided by systems theory. The study was conducted using descriptive research design. The target population for the study was 160 top and middle-level managers in five statutory bodies in Zambia. Sampling was probabilistic through Taro Yamane’s formula to arrive at a sample of 114 respondents, while data was primarily collected through online questionnaires sent to the email and Whats App platforms of targeted respondents. The analysis was both descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis was done through standard deviation, mean, frequency, and percentages. Furthermore, the inferential analysis was carried out through correlation analysis and regression analysis. Results of the study were presented on tables and figures with narrative for interpretations. The study findings revealed that performance of tourism statutory bodies in Zambia was significantly related with environmental scanning. Environmental scanning had positive influence on performance. The implication of these findings is that in today’s turbulent environment, it is more desirable for organizations to conduct environmental scanning activities systematically and regularly. The study recommended that tourism statutory bodies in Zambia should institute an operational office specifically dedicated to strategic execution processes. There is need for more literature review to expose further empirical evidence on this important subject of environmental scanning and its interaction with aspects of organization performance especially social performance. It was recommended that researchers mount studies on this relationship. Top managers should find out how environmental scanning generates strategic management practices to increase organizational performance of tourism statutory bodies in Zambia
Key Words: Environment Scanning, Tourism
CITATION: Wasamunu, K., Munga, J., & Ndabari, M. (2022). Influence of environmental scanning on the organizational performance of tourism statutory bodies in Zambia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 534 - 543.
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