There has been a series of compliance issues in the world with specific regard to Kenyan County government’s compliance ratings. The birth of devolved units has shown inefficiencies in Public Procurement and Asset Disposal leading to review of oversight bodies from PPOA to PPOAB and later PPARB in attempts to address the menace though still with procurement compliance hurdle. Lack of knowledge on procurement laws has made some workers fall victim not due to negligence but lack of adequate information on the procedural aspects on procurement laws. The general objective established the effect of procurement procedures on delivery of service in selected devolved units in Kenyan Western Region. The study covered 4 selected counties in western thus Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga and Kakamega. The study was guided by institutional theory. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The study targeted four counties; Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga. The study targeted 60 staff within devolved units leadership. Closed ended questions were used to gather data. Pilot study was conducted in Kisumu devolved unit. Descriptive and inferential statistical approaches were used. Inferential statistical approach included use of regression and correlation analysis. The findings were that procurement procedures had a positive significant effect on delivery of service. R square was 0.390 this showed that Procurement Procedures explains 39.0 of variance. The (F= 70.004, p < 0.05) implies feasible model. The regression equation for Procurement Procedures becomes; Y = 2.184 +0.531.The study recommended that devolved units should employ the best procurement procedures that will improve delivery of service. Operate within the set ethical guidelines, proper contract management and adherence to contractual terms improves delivery of service. Ensure costs are minimized to realize value for money and ensure organization factors are accommodative to enable service delivery for public procurement compliance.
Key words: Devolved Units, Procurement Procedures, Service Delivery
CITATION: Kisaka, C., Kiongera, F., Wanjere, D. (2022). Effect of procurement procedures on delivery of services in selected devolved units in Kenyan Western Region. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 609 – 617.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2435
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