This paper presented findings from the study on the mediating effect of country brand equity on the relationship between country marketing mix and county brand choice for foreign direct investment in Kenya. Country brand equity was found to affect the choice of investors to a large extent, while the effectiveness of government, safety and security was rated moderate. Kenya’s country brand equity dimensions like investment experience, friendliness of investment environment, advancement of the economy and investor satisfaction were rated positively to a large extent, while the effectiveness of government, safety and security was rated to be moderate. Overall, Kenya’s brand equity is rated positively to a large extent. Findings indicated that country marketing mix has a significant effect on country brand choice, and that country brand equity mediates the relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice. Therefore, the study concluded that country brand equity mediates the relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice. And that country brand equity has a statistically significant mediating effect on the relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice for foreign direct investment in Kenya. An improvement in country marketing mix results in an increase in likelihood that an investor will choose Kenya for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Therefore, the study concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice, a significant relationship between county marketing mix and country brand equity as well as a significant relationship between country brand equity and country brand choice. The study concluded that country brand equity mediates the relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice. And that country brand equity has a statistically significant mediating effect on the relationship between country marketing mix and country brand choice for foreign direct investment in Kenya. The policy makers should strive to maintain high level of government effectiveness, safety and security in order to improve the likelihood that an investor will choose Kenya over other countries for foreign direct investment. This paper was an extract from PhD study on Country marketing mix and country brand choice for forign direct investment in Kenya. The paber builds on the country marketing mix framework published in the paper “Beyond Nation Branding to Building country Brands through Marketing Mix”
Keywords: Country Brands, Nation Branding, Country Brand Equity, Country Marketing Mix, Brand Choice
CITATION: Muteshi, K. H., Maina, S., & Kinyua, G. (2022). Country brand equity, mediating country brand choice for foreign direct investment in Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 667 – 685.
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