The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of project planning processes and strategic performance management in Gahaya links projects in Kicukiro district Rwanda. The study focused on: scope planning, risk planning and dissemination planning on strategic performance management in Gahaya links projects in Kicukiro district Rwanda. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The research was carried out by using secondary data, from the relevant documents obtained from Gahaya Link’s office, whereas the primary data was collected using questionnaire. The research analysis and interpretations were based on respondents’ responses. The respondents were provided with questionnaires, interview and observation, applying different techniques, motivation and each item contributed would give rise to a variable. The researcher asked participants to scrutinize instruments for face to face and content validity. For reliability, test-retest method was used. The coefficient of Cronbach was used to establish how reliable the instruments are. Test value of 0.700 was termed well enough and the tools was judged reliable. Concurrent triangulation was used to ensure credibility. An in-depth interview was applied to establish dependability of non-numerical instruments. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical tests, as well as presented through tables and figures. Descriptive statistical tests include percentages, frequencies and counts while inferential statistical tests entail multiple regression. Majority of the respondents consisting of 53.1% agreed that in Gahaya links project, Work Breakdown Structure is always created along with providing guidance for schedule development and control to ensure timeliness in project delivery, 34.4% strongly agreed, 12.5% were undecided and none disagreed. Majority of 46.9% agreed, 39.1% strongly agreed, 12.5% were undecided, 1.6% disagreed and none strongly disagreed. Majority of the respondents consisting of 42.2% agreed that in Project risk identification in Gahaya links project is done to ensure strategic performance management of the project, 42.2% strongly agreed, 9.4% were undecided and 6.3% disagreed. As to whether Gahaya links project, we have developed a model that we apply to correctly identify, respond and monitor risks to save time and money to ensure timeliness in delivery of products, majority of the respondents consisting of 60.9% strongly agreed, 21.9% agreed, 12.5% were undecided and 4.7% disagreed. Another statement related to review process was asked. The respondents were required to rate their opinion as to whether in Gahaya links project, there is a review process after the application of the mitigation measures for the identified uncertainties to ensure project success. Finally respondents opinion was sought on whether project managers effectively manager evaluates and records potential and identified uncertainties to ensure project success. Fifty four point seven percent strongly agreed, 25% agreed, 17.2% were undecided, 3.1% disagreed none strongly disagreed. The study concludes that definition of project scope helps in identifying major project work components, deliverables, and requirements. In addition creating work breakdown structure provides the necessary framework for detailed cost estimating and control, along with providing guidance for schedule development and control. The study recommends that since dissemination planning is one of the most important plans in a project. On project scope planning the study recommends that there is need to develop a clear project scope that can facilitate for the project organization to realize the actual magnitude of the work and creates an understanding for the achievements that are required in the project. Further studies that seek to illustrate how much of the variation in project performance can be explained by the various resource planning practices within Gahaya Links Project should be conducted.
Keywords: Scope planning, Risk planning, Dissemination planning, Strategic performance management, Gahaya links projects, Kicukiro district, Rwanda
CITATION: Ngabonzima, E., & Wafula, A. K. (2022). Project planning processes and strategic performance management in Gahaya links projects in Kicukiro District Rwanda: A case of Gahaya Links Basket Project Kicukiro District. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 729 – 743.
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