Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) has turned into an irrefutably critical move in achieving regular, money related and social practicality. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) help those involved with projects to assess if progress is being achieved in line with expectations or not so that reasonable measures can be taken in good time to ensure the project success. While the knowledge on monitoring and evaluation of projects exists, the administrative components of monitoring and evaluation seem to be lacking in the management of non-government organizations projects. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of monitoring and evaluation on project goals achievement in non-governmental organizations in Rwanda: A case of Adventist Development and Relief Agency Rwanda. The study investigated the effect of policy, level of planning, resources and the process adequacy of the projects in Non-Governmental Organizations. The examination embraced a review research plan and the objective populace was 144 respondents dealing with different projects at Adventist Development and Relief Agency Rwanda. A sample size of 106 respondents was determined using Yamane's formula. The study used both essential and auxiliary information, where polls were utilized for information assortment. Cronbach's alpha test was used in evaluating dependability of examination instrument. Information gathered was prepared through SPSS. Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, and correlation and regression analysis. Descriptive statistics and Correlation (using the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation) was used to analyze the data and establish the relationship between the dependent variables and the set of independent variables. Thematic analysis was used in analysing qualitative data. The study also used simple regressions to analyze the data. From the regression equation, that holding M&E Planning, M&E Training, Baseline overview, Information framework to a consistent zero, project objectives in Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda would be at 0.315. A unit increment on M&E Planning would prompt expansion in project objectives in Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda by a factor of 0.750, a unit expansion in M&E Training would prompt expansion in project objectives in Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda by a factor of 0.311, a unit expansion in Baseline study would prompt expansion in project objectives in Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda by a factor of 0.546 and unit expansion in Information framework would prompt expansion in project objectives in Non-Governmental Organizations in Rwanda by a factor of 0.491. In conclusion, the review showed that observing and assessment impacts project execution and M&E plan ought to be set up if a positive impact of M&E must be seen. The study recommended that ADRA should ensure that there is adequate early planning for project M&E activities including human resources and involvement of all stakeholders in development and implementation of the M&E system. Also ADRA Coordination Board and the NGO Council should work with NGOs in developing a database of M&E systems information across the sector, where lessons learnt from previous experiences of other NGOs can be documented. Further, M&E should be carried out in full and efficiently to impact project execution. Taking into account that undertakings are carried out by foundations that have structures, it was therefore suggested that M&E unit ought to be important for an establishment.
Keywords: M&E Planning, M&E Training, Baseline survey, Information system, Project goal, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Rwanda
CITATION: Uwiringiyimana, E., & Gitahi, N. (2022). Effect of monitoring and evaluation on project goals in non-governmental organizations: case of school feeding project by Adventist Development and Relief Agency Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 775 – 788.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2448
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