Customer satisfaction is central to achieving a competitive advantage and should be viewed as an integral part of relationship building that is underpinned by CRM. A defined organizational culture can provide the necessary leadership that ensures that staffs attain high levels of performance. Customer service should be placed in a strategic marketing context, which means that marketers can develop a high quality customer service policy and the organization can put a customer response system in place which ensures that customer service is seen as customer focused. There is an increased need to constantly reengineer business strategies that improve the customer experience and increase profitability for the company. The study sought to determine the effect of customer relationship management (CRM) on the perceived organisational performance with a case of Family Bank Limited. Based on the research topic, the study addressed the research problem by addressing the following research objectives; to determine the effect of changes in the organizational culture on the perceived organizational performance of Family bank limited, to establish the effect of customer retention strategies on the perceived organizational performance of family bank limited, to determine the effect of technology on the perceived organizational performance of family bank limited, and to establish the effect of service quality management on the perceived organizational performance of family bank limited. The study reviewed related literature under theoretical and empirical review to facilitate in identifying the research gap. The study adopted a descriptive research design to address the research objectives. In this case sampling was done using a systematic random sampling technique to select the participating staff in all the bank branches covered. Data was collected in form of both primary and secondary data. The collected data was analysed using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22).The study found out that customer relationship management has a positive effect on the performance of the bank.The study found out that service quality management was the dimension of CRM that affected the performance of the bank to a very great extent. Therefore, the study recommended that there was a need for organizations to have training and development that are directed at building enduring customer relationships.
Key Words: Customer Retention, Technology, Service Quality Management, Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i2.245
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