Resource allocation has been a challenge to many organizations. Essentially, to realize any success it would mean getting it right at the onset otherwise many government owned facilities are faced with low performance. The study was set out to examine the influence of strategic resource allocation and performance of public health facilities in Mombasa County. The study was guided by resource allocation theory, performance improvement theory and resource dependency theory. The population for this study was therefore 5 public health facilities in Mombasa County. The study found out that strategic human resource allocation, strategic financial resources allocation, strategic technological resource allocation and strategic medical resource allocation influences performance of public health referral facilities in Mombasa County. The study recommends that the management of health facilities should practice fair allocation of strategic human resource allocation, strategic financial resource allocation, Strategic Technological allocation and medical resource allocation in order to increase the performance of public health referral facilities in Mombasa County.
Key Word: Allocation, Resources, Financial, Human Resource, Performance, Technology
CITATION: Nyakure, B. O., & Kavale, S. (2022). Strategic resource allocation and performance of public health referral facilities in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 867 – 876.
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