The study’s main objective was to find out the influence of outpatient service quality on patient satisfaction within public hospitals in Mombasa. Data was collected from 39 different people who sought services from the level 5 facility. The research respondents were the outpatients of the hospital. A descriptive research design was used. Data was analysed in descriptive statistics which were presented by tables and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 24 software was also used. The researcher distributed 394 questionnaires to the outpatients at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital but only 354 questionnaires were completely filled and returned which represented a response rate of 89.8%. Based on the study analysis, it was determined that responsiveness of the hospital positively and significantly affects patient satisfaction (R=0.667; P=0.004) and an improvement of hospital responsiveness would lead to improvement in patient satisfaction significantly (β=0.127; P=0.045). Based on the study analysis, it was determined that responsiveness of the hospital positively and significantly affects patient satisfaction (R=0.667; P=0.004) and an improvement of hospital responsiveness would lead to improvement in patient satisfaction significantly (β=0.127; P=0.045). It was also determined that tangibility significantly and positively affects patient satisfaction (R=0.905; P=0.006) and improvement in tangibility would significantly contributes to the improvement of patient satisfaction (β=0.173; P=0.003). On the fourth objective, it was revealed that empathy positively and significantly affects patient satisfaction (R=0.557; P=0.001) and an improvement on empathy would lead to an improvement on patient satisfaction insignificantly (β=0.085; P=0.051). The study revealed that reliability positively and significantly affects patient satisfaction (R=0.631; P=0.000) and an improvement of reliability would significantly contribute to the patient satisfaction (R=0.631; P=0.000). The study concluded that service quality dimensions at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital affects patients’ satisfaction and all the improvement of dimensions of service quality would lead to an improvement in patient satisfaction. The study concluded that both national and county government public sector hospitals continue upgrading the quality of health service and the process of development and modernization, especially in the area training of human resources and upgrading of staff.
Key Words: Reliability, Tangibility, Empathy, Outpatient Services, Responsiveness
CITATION: Chibungu, M. M., & Mutuku, B. (2022). Influence of outpatient service quality on patient satisfaction in public hospitals in Mombasa Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1041 – 1065.
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