Public participation and community based management are typical themes in current policy and discussions revolving around decision making processes, especially those dealing with resources management. Certainly, improving delivery of public services continues to be a key objective that has occupied the agenda of public administrators and researchers. This study analyzed the social economic benefits of public participation based on the substantive quality of decisions made, resolving conflicts among competing interests, building trust in institutions of governance and educating and informing the public within Kirinyaga County. Cross-sectional primary data was collected using structured questionnaires from a representative sample of 120 respondents across Kirinyaga County. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects were acquired: Secondary data from publications was used to augment data collected by the use of structured questionnaires. Three theories of public participation namely; citizenship and rights based perspective, the communicative action theory and Arnstein ladder of participation theory were fundamental in this study. Data collected during the study was entered into a database, coded and analyzed. Descriptive, Bivariate and multivariate analysis were also performed using SPSS and other Microsoft packages such as excel. After analysis, the information was presented using tables and charts since they allowed easy comparison. Finally, the researcher gave recommendations for the study
Keyword: Public Participation, Substantive Quality of Decisions, Incorporating Public Views, Service Delivery
CITATION: Yegon, G. K., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2022). Influence of public participation in service delivery in the devolved system of government in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1066 – 1083.
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