Poor performance by employees in organisations dealing with courier services is reflected in high indiscipline cases, customer complaints, lack of customer retention, poor communication and poor service delivery. Hence, leading to the failure in service delivery by some companies offering courier services. This study concentrated on assessing the determinants of employee performance in courier industry in Kenya with specific focus on G4S courier services. Specifically the study focused on the influence of disciplinary procedure, management style, communication and customer care on the performance of employees in G4S courier services. The study used stratified random sampling method to select the desired sample size of 220 respondents (20%) targeting the Operation managers, Supervisors, Riders and the couriers. To obtain information on the performance of employees in G4S courier services both primary and secondary data collection methods was used through the use of questionnaires with both closed and open-ended questions. The questionnaire was pretested in a pilot study to determine the validity and the reliability of the instruments. The collected data was analysed with the help of SPSS version 20. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data which had then been presented in form of suitable graphs, means, pie charts and tables. Results of regression analysis showed an R2 value of .518 indicating that the model can explain 51.8% of the variation in Employee Performance. Regression model of employee performance on disciplinary procedure, management style, communication and customer care revealed that the coefficients for disciplinary procedure, management style and communication were significant at 5% level of significance. Therefore, this study concluded that employee performance could be predicted using disciplinary procedure, management style and communication. However, the coefficient for customer care was not significant. This study recommended that there should be an increase in employee and management interactions as well as guided discussions to achieve efficacy in service delivery in courier industry.
Key Words: Employee Performance, Courier Industry in Kenya, Disciplinary Procedure, Management style, Communication, Customer Care.
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